Paul Hogan's knive-tossing, hand-slapping Outback legend skipped the whole of the 90's so his 2001 comeback came as something of a big surprise. Unfortunately, audiences had of course moved on and the critics didn't hesitate in drowning the film. Indeed, you don't have to be an expert to realise that this belated third caper isn't exactly accomplished film-making; there's an uninvolving and considerably underdeveloped plot whilst the comedy itself (consistently spot-on in the original) is pretty much hit-and-miss here. Still, if its clean, fun, enjoyable entertainment you're looking for, Dundee in LA serves the purpose well and is satisfying for the family or younger ones. The character himself is still interesting and enjoyable to watch as he once again returns to the USA, this time acting detective when he suspects a shady movie company of smuggling. Not by no means a classic but harmless and pleasant entertainment nonetheless.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
CD in LA is not a classic, but doesn't aspire to be, and if you're simply looking for a fun, light-hearted comedy, then this is the movie for you.The plot is relatively simplistic and predictable, but there are more than enough funny scenes and enjoyable characters to counter that. If you enjoyed the first 2 CD movies, than you'll probably enjoy this.Note: I actually wanted to give this move 6.5, but there is no way to do that, so I gave it the benefit of the doubt and gave it a 7.
'Sentiment: Neutral 😑'
Too often the sequels are poor follow ups. This one is not the case. It is excellent